Happy Derby Weekend All!
I will be honest in saying I've never paid any attention to horse races until last year. Even now, by paying attention, I really mean; I have a clue on when they are and that they involve drinking cocktails, gambling and my favorite - fancy hats!

The horses are beautiful, with awesome names and the Jockey's are pretty amazing too. There had to be a distinct connection and trust between the two of them to do what they do, and I think how that works is really cool.
This weekend kicks off the Triple Crown, which is basically the 3 big horse races; Kentucky Derby, Preakness & The Belmont. That is 3 events you can go to, watch and participate in festivities for while wearing a fancy, floppy hat.
Per my recommendation, please do so!
Especially do so for me, since I am in crunch time training mode for my half marathon, which happens to be on the same day as The Preakness this year. Oh, and during Derby Day tomorrow, I will be lifting and doing a hill workout. OYE.
The Triple Crown is not a total bust for me though, thanks to my favorite Yoga spot/ Activewear line. Zweetsport is hosting a "Let's Get Down & Derby" event tonight with specials on yoga packages, clothing and it is rumored that I will get to have my first mint julep! I'm excited.
How are you kicking off the Triple Crown! Show me your fancy hats & fitness fun!
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