This past Sunday, a little before 9am I crossed the finish line at the George Washington Birthday Celebration 10K in Alexandria, VA.
And the thirty seconds right before that were the coolest I have had in a very long time: seconds to beating my goal, my fans yelling, and I "dropped the hammer".
I was shooting for a time of 53:00, and I crossed around 52:50. My official time ended up being 52:32 (from the exact time I crossed the starting line to my exact finish).
It was beyond awesome, and while the finish was obviously big for me, I can genuinely say that I enjoyed running the entire 6.2 miles.
My Outfit: My "I Run For Boston" tank was a surprise gift sent from
one of my best friends from home (Thank you Theen!!).
I loved wearing this not only because of my soft
spot for Beantown and all my peeps up there, but also because it made me super
easy to spot on the course! Not to mention my killer running sneaks!
Other Runners: I was pretty nervous about running with so many other people, but as the race got going this part grew on me. It was cool to be out there with so many different people, all trying to do the same thing at the same time. Over 700 of us just trying to get through our 6.2 miles. A few in particular stuck out in my brain.
- I saw a couple running together, each pushing a baby stroller and basically not using their arms to run - impressive AND adorable.
- A little over halfway through the course, I was super focused and looking straight ahead until I heard a mans voice yell, "Look out!" In the midst of my focus, I was headed straight for a patch of ice that likely would've landed me on my butt. Needless to say, I was grateful he jolted me from my "zone" before that patch of ice did. It was a small thing, but it was a cool feeling knowing someone on the course, a complete stranger mind you, had looked out for me.
- A man was juggling while running his race, not like 2-3 balls either. I want to say he was juggling 6 while running. How in the world?!
- Approaching the finish, I was neck and neck with another female runner. We both "dropped the hammer" at the same time. It was the only part of the run I felt I was in a "race," and being pretty competitive, this definitely helped my final kick to the finish.

My "Good Luck" Charm: I ran with a coin Dad gave me when I moved to D.C. It's one of those flattened touristy type ones, (he got it/made it at a rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike on moving day) and it has "Good Luck" inscribed on it. Throughout the race I couldn't really feel it in my shoe -except for when I'd slow down. Then the coin would shoot to the front of my toes and hit my shoe, almost kicking me to pick up the pace, which is exactly what Dad would do.
My Fans: It was a cold Sunday morning, before 9AM,and they were screaming at me as I crossed the finish line. It meant more than I can say! One in particular had been especially helpful in training and overall my biggest support. I am very thankful and was very excited to see him at mile 4, standing on his bike in the middle of the course holding this sign-->
Of course I heard from my Mom up in Massachusetts in the morning of and many others wished me good luck from near and afar (thanks guys!).
And then, of course, I was all smiles when it came time for finish line hugs! Do I not have total BABES for fans?!
It was a fantastic day and experience altogether! I GREATLY encourage anyone and everyone to try a race! The distance or intensity doesn't matter (especially not for your first one), but the overall energy of participating is pretty amazing and a total blast!
For races in the D.C area click here & keep me in the loop if you sign up for any. We can be a team!
Here's to conquering my first 10K and to your first race!
2/16/2014 George Washington Birthday Classic 10k |