"Standing on top of the world, for a little while"

"Standing on top of the world, for a little while"

Friday, February 21, 2014

Fit Fashion Friday: 10K Highlight

I shop for sneakers in the kids section.

Shamelessly, I might add. I usually like the styles better. They're more fun. I totally believe in doing anything you can to make running or any type of working out more fun! Also, the lower price is nice too. You're probably thinking that I must have teeny tiny feet, not the case. Women's sizes 7.5 - 8 = sizes 6 - 7 in kids sizes. And there you have it. I actually don't remember the last pair of kicks I bought from the women's section.

My new running shoes are no exception, although they are definitely my most outrageous pair. Therefore making them my favorite to date. These new kicks got some great attention at the race Sunday, and I have developed a new, deeper love for them. Not because of the other racers/spectators saying they liked them and remembered seeing them on the course. And not even because they carried me through my first 10k. Simply because this beautiful little peanut named Addison had the same pair.

It made my day to feel a little tap on my leg, and turn around to see her sticking out her shoe and saying "I like your sneakers." My heart smiled. 
Our sneakers match but she very clearly takes the cake with her hot pink outfit and rainbow tights. Addison was there enthusiastically rooting for her Dad who ran the 10k and she was a glowing little girl.

Waiting 6 days to share this was difficult. This encounter was surely one of the cutest I have had in a very long time. It was refreshing to have an "Aw Moment" like this, and it was too good not to share.

Happy Friday everyone! Have a "Too Fit" weekend!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

"I think I am just in a coaching mood today!"

"When aren't you Dad?"

That was what went through my head during a conversation with my dad when I was having a hectic day. My dad has always coached me in everything, literally everything. From little kid sports to big-girl interviews, life dilemmas, and even some break ups. 
This hectic day was no different, and I was glad I had my coach: who even on his 51st birthday would talk his daughter off the ledge while she overreacts about a dentist appointment. Happy birthday Dad!!

This got me thinking: everyone needs a coach. Actually, we need many coaches for many different things. When I say a coach, I don't just mean a mentor or an expert on dealing with certain situations. I mean someone who knows you, knows your goals and knows how important they are to you. A Coach who isn't only there when you think you need something. Instead they give you something you may not think you need. Whether that may be a swift kick in the rear or a hug. 

Personally, there are so many crazy things in my mind and in my life that I know I need coaching in (and more I don't know). I feel like that has to be true for everyone, right? Therefore, it's impossible to have one single person as a coach. For example,  my roomies and I take the same gym class on Tuesday mornings. When I hit snooze on my alarm because I don't want to wake up and then hear my roommates up and about, well, then it's go time. They're coaching me, and I am coaching them.

We have more obvious people in our lives as coaches - bosses, mentors, personal trainers, and even ZUMBA instructors or bloggers. (See what I did there?). The key here is to maximize how much you can improve yourself as they coach you. At basketball camps, I always got the "most improved" award, and it would piss me off. Dad would then explain to me how important being coachable is, in basketball and in life. I think I'm getting it now.

We need to make ourselves more coachable and let the connections we have with those around us resonate within us in a deeper, more purposeful way. Maximize your relationships by not only getting all you can out of them, but by truly giving it all as well. You may need a ton of coaching, but just think of your "crazy" friend who probably needs even more. (We all have one of those.)

Face it, kids, we're all high maintenance! But we're all in this together, and if you feel like you don't have a "coach," you're wrong. Check out this video from one of my all time favorite flicks, and substitute "moving buddy" for coach. Don't be dinosaur, guys.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Olympic Attitude

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics is a spectacular display of athleticism.

That is inevitably the case with any of the Olympics. It never loses its luster when we consider what these athletes devote 100% of themselves): representing their country by kicking butt in their sport(s). It's bad ass.

As spectators, we admire their super human abilities and can't begin to fathom what they put their bodies through to get there. We root for the U.S.A. but can't help being completely in awe of everyone there. They are, after all, the best athletes in the world.
While admiring the athleticism, I can't help but take note of the attitudes of the athletes and the vibes of the different events. For instance:
  • In some cases we see a Ricky Bobby philosophy with athletes/certain events: "You ain't first you’re last." It is a cut-throat, winner-take-all – and – screw-the-competition attitude.
  • In other cases, we see a more supportive and grateful vibe. It's clear that the athletes are in it to win it, but they, too, enjoy being in awe of their competitors' accomplishments. 
As a (probably overly) competitive person, I definitely understand the first case. It's the Olympics; you've come this far; you have given everything; and you want that medal. However, the second case is what I think makes the Olympics so special - and worth watching.
I get being pissed if you don't perform as well as you would like. I used to cry at dance competitions if I didn't win the top award in everything, and I took the Bruin's losing the Stanley Cup last year really hard. And oh! Don't ever bring up the Patriots vs. Giants Super Bowl in 08.
At the Olympic level, you are already amongst the best in the world, and I feel that is enough to at least enjoy. It's beyond cool to see other competitors root for each other, almost as if they're on the same team. In these instances, confidence radiates throughout the event as a whole. That, to me, is an "Olympic attitude.”
This "Olympic attitude” is something we need more of in our world. We should be happy for others when good things happen or when something is accomplished, big or small. Everyday we wake up, we should feel just as grateful to be getting out of our own beds as those athletes who are in Sochi. Instead of looking at others' accomplishments competitively, let them feed us and steer us in the direction of our own accomplishments. Almost everything in the world is bigger and better than we are, and I believe there is gratification in finding true appreciation for that.

 None of us have the same abilities or goals, and not everyone even likes each other. But the fact is that we ARE all in this together.

How we feel largely comes from our attitude, not the reverse. An "Olympic attitude" is a huge aspect of living "Too Fit". What changes can you make?

Monday, February 17, 2014

10k Race Recap

This past Sunday, a little before 9am I crossed the finish line at the George Washington Birthday Celebration 10K in Alexandria, VA. 

And the thirty seconds right before that were the coolest I have had in a very long time: seconds to beating my goal, my fans yelling, and I "dropped the hammer".

I was shooting for a time of 53:00, and I crossed around 52:50. My official time ended up being 52:32 (from the exact time I crossed the starting line to my exact finish).

It was beyond awesome, and while the finish was obviously big for me, I can genuinely say that I enjoyed running the entire 6.2 miles. 


My Outfit: My "I Run For Boston" tank was a surprise gift sent from one of my best friends from home (Thank you Theen!!)
I loved wearing this not only because of my soft spot for Beantown and all my peeps up there, but also because it made me super easy to spot on the course! Not to mention my killer running sneaks! 

Other Runners: I was pretty nervous about running with so many other people, but as the race got going this part grew on me. It was cool to be out there with so many different people, all trying to do the same thing at the same time. Over 700 of us just trying to get through our 6.2 miles. A few in particular stuck out in my brain.
  • I saw a couple running together, each pushing a baby stroller and basically not using their arms to run - impressive AND adorable.
  • A little over halfway through the course, I was super focused and looking straight ahead until I heard a mans voice yell, "Look out!" In the midst of my focus, I was headed straight for a patch of ice that likely would've landed me on my butt. Needless to say, I was grateful he jolted me from my "zone" before that patch of ice did. It was a small thing, but it was a cool feeling knowing someone on the course, a complete stranger mind you, had looked out for me.
  • A man was juggling while running his race, not like 2-3 balls either. I want to say he was juggling 6 while running. How in the world?!
  • Approaching the finish, I was neck and neck with another female runner. We both "dropped the hammer" at the same time. It was the only part of the run I felt I was in a "race," and being pretty competitive, this definitely helped my final kick to the finish.
My "Good Luck" Charm: I ran with a coin Dad gave me when I moved to D.C. It's one of those flattened touristy type ones, (he got it/made it at a rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike on moving day) and it has "Good Luck" inscribed on it. Throughout the race I couldn't really feel it in my shoe -except for when I'd slow down. Then the coin would shoot to the front of my toes and hit my shoe, almost kicking me to pick up the pace, which is exactly what Dad would do.

My Fans: It was a cold Sunday morning, before 9AM,and they were screaming at me as I crossed the finish line. It meant more than I can say! One in particular had been especially helpful in training and overall my biggest support. I am very thankful and was very excited to see him at mile 4, standing on his bike in the middle of the course holding this sign-->
Of course I heard from my Mom up in Massachusetts in the morning of and many others wished me good luck from near and afar (thanks guys!). 
And then, of course, I was all smiles when it came time for finish line hugs! Do I not have total BABES for fans?!

It was a fantastic day and experience altogether! I GREATLY encourage anyone and everyone to try a race! The distance or intensity doesn't matter (especially not for your first one), but the overall energy of participating is pretty amazing and a total blast! 
For races in the D.C area click here & keep me in the loop if you sign up for any. We can be a team!

Here's to conquering my first 10K and to your first race!
2/16/2014 George Washington Birthday Classic 10k