It doesn't matter where you start, it matters that you do start.
And once you start, you're never finished and that rocks. It isn't a fad diet, or a phase - it's a lifelong adventure and a gift to the most important person in your life: yourself. People, (mostly women) talk about being fit as an "uphill battle" or a "struggle". It's really not. Or it shouldn't be, if it is we must be doing something wrong. Is it easy? Hell no. But I think we psych ourselves out and think it's way harder than it is. We do much harder things in our lives, everyone has their own story and it's usually pretty mind blowing. In the end, we all want to look and feel good. So what takes us so long to get our butts in gear?
I began thinking of how and when I started focusing on living "Too Fit". And what triggered it and the fact is, I really can't put my finger on it but it sure is fun to look back, so lets go. Oh Boy...
Circa 2006: I love(d) McDonalds McNuggets. I ate them a a lot, with milkshakes and apple pies. I also was just starting to try out alcohol and only liked to drink things that tasted like Sprite. I used to argue with my mom over stopping for milkshakes & tell her "I'm Hott".

Circa 2009: Remember how I said I never thought I looked less than awesome? Yeah, that includes here: in my 1st audition for the Celtics Dancers in Boston. I didn't make the team, but I made it to the website...hows that for background candy. -->

2011: Fast forward graduation day. I LOVE the picture of me going up to the stage to get my diploma, me and my double chin are waving at my parents.
So until this point, I was pretty convinced I looked good (lol). HOWEVER, I think back to these times when I thought I looked good and I can honestly say I knew I did not feel as good as I should..Heres where we make the shift...
2012: Celtics audition round 2. Hell Yeah. I didn't do it for website photo redemption (well ok, a little bit) and I didn't make the team, close though! At first, I got real skinny, but then couldn't train. This was an "A-Ha" moment for me. I thought I looked good (of course) but knew I wasn't feeling good and started wanting that.
Here We Are: On a Saturday morning in my new favorite yoga shorts from ZweetSport (you'll hear more on this, I'm obsessed). It's now 2014 and I'm stuck on the feeling good and more importantly, feeling strong. I've had some weaker feeling times in my life since my first "Too Fit' kick for the second C's audition that set me back a bit. In some ways though, I think they pushed me forward. Those weaker moments make you want to get stronger immediately, and I was certainly not patient. Not being patient doesn't make it happen any faster.
Somewhere along this trip I just laid out, something clicked and I made a decision. Where or what exactly triggers it, I don't know and I don't think it really matters. What got me going may or may not work for you, so why push it, especially when it can't be clearly defined. What I will push is making the decision to be "Too Fit". Feeling BOTH confident and strong is something that we need to make happen for ourselves, period. You can figure out where and what started it later. Theres plenty of time and more reasons will surface along the way.
Now doesn't that make you just a little curious?
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