"Standing on top of the world, for a little while"

"Standing on top of the world, for a little while"

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Too Fit Snow Day

Happy Snow Day, from here in D.C. at least!

I still get so excited about Snow Days - it's juvenile, but you know you do too. Theres only one thing that throws a wrench in the allure of a snow day: the gym is likely closed.

This sparks one of those little angel/devil on your shoulder dilemmas. 

The devil is telling us: "Its a free day, you have every excuse not to work out." And then the devil lists those excuses in your brain, and he's so damn convincing. 
The angel who is saying: "You can make something work for a workout. Even something little counts and you'll feel way better about this snow day once you do it." And the angel, well she is annoying because we know she is right. 

Yes the gym is closed, but all you really need to get a work out in is about 6-10 feet of space. So this ones for the angel:

Here is a quick, simple and butt kicking workout for your snow day. Get off your butt, go as hard as you can and DO IT.

Repeat this circuit 3-5 times:

  • 2 minutes of jumping jacks. 
    • (10 second rest)
  • 1 minute of squats. (Get your butt down & keep your chest up, do as many as you can while keeping form)
    • (10 second rest)
  • 45 second mountain climbers. 
    • (10 second rest)
  • 1 minute of push ups. (Girly ones on your knees are fine, do as many as you can while keeping form)
  • 1 minute plank.
    • (1 minute rest)
And if all you can think about while buried in snow is the beach and bathing suits. Heres an extra ab blast. My best friend from home introduced me to this awesomely 80s ab video. You can laugh at Denise's funny leotard, big hair and tights all you want, but her stomach and this ab workout are no joke! Sometimes we would do this in our little homey living room right before a night out to feel extra great. At that point, I'm not sure if it made a difference in how we looked, but it definitely did in how we felt. Right Al?

Enjoy your Too Fit Snow Day! 


  1. Did this at lunch....are you trying to kill me on purpose?

  2. You rock! What a lunch break! Be sure to fuel up after!
